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HomeLifestyle and WellnessNew Dietary Guidelines Recommend Reducing These 4 Foods and Eating More of This Instead

New Dietary Guidelines Recommend Reducing These 4 Foods and Eating More of This Instead

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As new dietary guidelines are expected to be released, experts are advocating for a change in the way Americans eat. In a clear distinction from previous guidelines, an advisory committee is urging people to follow a more plant-based diet with less intake of ultra-processed and high-fat foods. This is with the view of enhancing people’s health, preventing chronic diseases, and encouraging a more sustainable diet. A large number of Americans suffer from heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Thus, these guidelines seek to tackle some of the dietary issues that cause these diseases.

Reduce Red and Processed Meats

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The new recommendations have urged people to limit the consumption of red and processed meats. These foods have been linked to various problems, including heart disease, high cholesterol, and some forms of cancer. Processed meats include bacon, sausages, deli meats, and others, which are rich in preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients that may lead to inflammation and other related health problems. Instead, experts advise increasing the intake of fish and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils to ensure proper protein intake without the attendant health consequences.

Reducing Sugar-Sweetened Foods and Beverages

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Another major issue of concern is sugary foods and drinks. A high intake of sugar has been associated with obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Some of these include sugars from sodas, fruit juices, desserts, and other refined carbohydrates that cause fluctuations in blood sugar and can lead to complications in the body in the long run. The guidelines suggest that people should opt for naturally sweet foods like fruits or unsweetened yogurt to curb cravings with no risks.

Staying Away from Refined Grains

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Refined grains include white bread, white rice, and pastries, which are grain foods lacking important ingredients such as fiber and other nutrients that cause a sharp increase in blood sugar. These foods have been linked to weight gain, insulin resistance, and digestive problems. Quinoa, brown rice, bulgur, and whole wheat bread are some of the examples of whole grains that are rich in fiber and other nutrients that help regulate blood sugar and also help maintain good gut health.

Limiting Saturated Fats

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Saturated fats, which are found in fatty meats, butter, and full-fat dairy products, have been known to raise the levels of cholesterol in the body and cause heart disease. It highlights the need to substitute these fats with healthier unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. These alternatives also have positive impacts on the heart, decrease inflammation, and improve the overall health of the patient.

The Advantages of a Vegan Diet

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Switching to a vegan diet has numerous health benefits. Research has revealed that a high intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains reduces the incidence of heart disease, cholesterol levels, and Type 2 diabetes. Plant-based diets are also rich in antioxidants and fiber, which boost the immune system and help with digestion.

Nutrient Considerations When Cutting Back on Meat

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Those who want to reduce or stop eating meat altogether should look for other sources of iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12. Some of the foods that can help include green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, plant milk, and supplements to ensure that the body gets the necessary nutrients. It is also advisable to seek the opinion of a health professional or a dietician when switching to a plant-based diet.

Plant-Based Diets Can Be Affordable

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It is a common perception that plant-based food is costly, but protein sources such as seeds, beans, lentils, and tofu are cheaper than meat. According to a study at Oxford University, it has been revealed that vegetarians and vegans can expect to save as much as one-third of their food bills. However, it is a fact that plant-based meat alternatives are costly. Small-scale, whole-food options can help make plant-based eating affordable.

Simple Ways to Transition to a More Plant-Based Diet

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No one has to feel like they are making a drastic change in their lifestyle to adopt a more plant-based diet. According to professionals, it is advised that people begin with little changes like increasing their intake of vegetables, switching from white bread to whole wheat bread, and using plant-based protein instead of animal protein. It is possible to increase the number of vegetables eaten in a meal or to follow a week of plant-based meals as a way of making positive changes in your diet.

How to Monitor Progress and Make Changes if Needed

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It is advisable to monitor the consumption of food and substances taken into the body to notice changes in energy, mood, and general state of health. Using a food diary can assist you in determining what is best for your system and making changes if necessary. This way, people can develop better eating habits that can be maintained in the long run and enhance the health of the individual and the environment.