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HomeBudget-Friendly IdeasHow to Keep a House Warm Without Central Heat

How to Keep a House Warm Without Central Heat

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Winter is coming, and central heating is a luxury for many. So if you’re trying to beat the cold while reducing costs, there are many ways to do so. Here are ten efficient and easy methods that will help you stay warm without turning up the heat.

Get Energy from the Sun

Canva – hikesterson

The sun is a free source of energy you can start using today. Let natural heat in by opening the curtains during the day. The south side of your home is most exposed to sunbeams, whereas the east side allows warmth in the early morning. Curtains should be drawn at night to keep the heat that has entered during the day.

Seal Gaps Around Your Windows and Doors

Canva – Monique Shaw

Cold air seeps through windows and doors extremities that haven’t been maintained well enough. You can prevent drafts by putting weatherstripping on, using thermal curtains, or covering the windows with bubble wrap. Another great option is vinyl sheets, which reduce in size in cold weather, preventing cold air from entering.

Light Up the Fire

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A fireplace isn’t only great for that cozy feel, but it also helps create heat. A wooden, gas or electric fireplace is a great way to bring style and warmth to the room. You can also make DIY fire bowls to bring warmth into the house or even onto the patio.

Stay Away from Unused Rooms

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Heat travels, but so does the cold. Reduce the spread of cold air by shutting doors to rooms that you aren’t using. This is a natural way of heating the house, as it blocks cold air from moving around, and keeps warm air contained in the central parts of the house.

Insulating the Attic and Crawl Spaces

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Heat always has a way of leaving the house through the attic, so insulating it is important. Adding insulation to the attics and crawl spaces helps to keep heat in the house. Since this is not always easy to do, it may be worth getting a professional in.

Use a Space Heater

Canva – aniaostudio

Space heaters are a fast solution for cold areas of the house. To save energy when using this type of heater, choose one that is energy efficient. Another option is mounted heaters that give heat without taking up space on the floor. Make sure you’re well researched and know how they work before setting them up.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

Canva – Pancaketom

Did you know that ceiling fans are not only for summer use? Just flip the switch and make your fan to move in a clockwise direction to redistribute the warm air that tends to accumulate on the ceiling. It may seem like a small change, but this little trick can make a big difference in how even temperatures are distributed in your home.

Generate Heat Naturally

Pexels – Pavel Danilyuk

Your home can easily be warmed up by cooking, exercising or even just having friends over. The heat from the oven, your body warmth, or an energetic dance session will all help. When your body is warm, throw on some cozy clothes, grab a hot beverage and let your body heat do the work.

Stay Warm Without the Stress

Pexels – ArtHouse Studio

Central heating is nice to have, but it isn’t a must. You can rely on these affordable and efficient strategies to keep your space warm. Give these smart insulation tips and natural heat sources a go, and see which ones work best for you: you can still be warm without the headache of complex heating systems or breaking the bank.

23 ways to keep warm without turning the central heating on
20 Cheap Ways To Heat Your Home With No Central Heating

I’m Katarina Sakoschek, a writer with a passion for art, chess, and fitness.