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HomeDIY ProjectsEasy Energy-Saving DIYs to Cut Your Utility Bills

Easy Energy-Saving DIYs to Cut Your Utility Bills

Monkey Business Images via Canva

With the price of energy always going up, it’s slowly becoming harder and harder to pay the electric bill. Here are some clever ways of cutting down your energy usage through some DIY tips that’ll be sure to mean long-term money saving.


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When it comes to leaks, they can put up the price of your water bill, but did you know that air leaks can also cost you a pretty penny in your electric bill? Any doors or windows that don’t seal properly will naturally let the warm air out, meaning that it’s harder for your thermostat to keep the temperature consistent. A caulk gun can be handy in these situations, and clear silicon can seal any small gaps you might have.

A Programmable Thermostat

brizmaker via Canva

A Programmable thermostat can be set to a certain schedule and then can be adjusted as needed. This means that the thermostat can save power by adjusting the temperature when it isn’t needed. This will save you money on your energy bill by the end of the month but requires some money to be invested.

LED Bulbs

Wattanaphob kappago’s Images via Canva

Most houses should be switched over to LED bulbs for the sheer fact that they use 75% less energy than older, outdated incandescent bulbs. LEDs bulbs also come in a variety of colors, meaning that they can suit any mood in any room. They are also inexpensive and cost effective.


Erik Mclean via Canva

Insulated houses trap both heat and cold much better than ones with less insulation. The same idea goes for your water heater. If the water heater is insulated, then it can stay at temperature for far longer before needing to be heated back up by the element. This will save a lot of power and insulation is not expensive, although installation may be.

Attic Hatch

ShaunWilkinson via Canva

Provided your doors and windows are sealed properly, then a huge culprit for letting the heat out is the attic hatch. If you buy foam board insulation, you can insulate the attic hatch yourself with some adhesive. You can also seal any gaps using this method.

Low-Flow Showerheads

Igor Vershinsky via Canva

Low-flow showerheads can make a huge difference in a household where showering is the preferred bathing method. They restrict the amount of water used and will lower both your heat and water bill at the end of the month. The showerhead can be installed with just a wrench and plumber’s tape.

Power Strips

Fahroni via Canva

Many appliances and devices may still use small amounts of power even when they aren’t being operated. To make sure they don’t without the hassle of unplugging them when not in use, power efficient power strips are designs to cut off any electricity when the devices aren’t being used.

Adjusting Water Temperature In Summer

fedcophotogrphy via Canva

Water temperatures can be above what they’re needed in certain seasons. You don’t needed scalding hot water when its already 90 degrees outside. Consider turning down your water heater temperature at these times and you can turn it back up when performing tasks like washing the dishes.

Service Your HVAC System

welcomia via Canva

You heating, ventilation, and cooling system does require a bit of maintenance every few years. If you haven’t done a service in a while or feel that its efficiency has gone down, consider having one done. A freshly maintained HVAC system will be more power efficient as it doesn’t strain itself to keep temperatures where they should be.