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HomeOutdoor Living9 Dark Plants For Dark Souls That We Want In Our Garden Right Now

9 Dark Plants For Dark Souls That We Want In Our Garden Right Now

teratera30 from Getty Images via Canva

When planning what plants to choose for your garden, it’s easy to pick the plants we see in almost every garden. And while there is nothing wrong with that, some options might suit a darker soul more, allowing for a creative, unique, dramatic, and atmospheric garden that will shock (in a good way) and inspire.

1. ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ Astilbe

WaltersGardens – YouTube – Coming 2023! New Perennials to try for Midsummer Impact

This perennial features deep chocolate-brown, almost black leaves. The leaves grow yellow but turn dark as they mature, creating a stunning backdrop for the bright rosy-purple flowers. It grows 20 to 22 inches tall and 24 to 28 inches wide and thrives in sun or shade, blooming in mid- to late summer.

2. Baptisia Decadence® ‘Dark Chocolate’

Proven Winners – Decadence® ‘Dark Chocolate’

Also known as False Indigo, this plant has a vase-shaped appearance and pea-like blooms in a charcoal purple above blue-green foliage, contrasting dramatically. It works well in a native landscape or mixed border, growing 36 to 42 inches tall and 36 inches wide. It thrives in full to partial sunlight and blooms in late spring to early summer.

3. ‘Dark Opal’ Basil

gardendesignmag – Instagram

Producing aromatic foliage with various culinary uses, ‘Dark Opal’ basil looks almost black in full sunlight. It grows roughly two feet tall and wide, thrives in full sun, blooming from summer to frost, and is often grown as an annual. Pro tip: plant this herb alongside other decorative herbs, such as ‘Tricolor’ sage, variegated thyme, or shiso, for a unique, colorful, and enchanting display.

4. Black Bat Flower

guentermanaus – Shutterstock via House Digest

Grow this perennial as an annual or indoor houseplant. It has deep maroon flowers with wing-shaped bracts resembling a bat in flight, from which it gets its name. It grows three feet tall and one foot wide, thriving in partial sun to bright indirect light, blooming from late summer into fall.

5. Black Mondo Grass

Plant Native – Black Mondo Grass: How to Grow & Care

Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’) is an evergreen with dark purple, grass-like foliage that can be used as ground cover or in decorative landscapes to make things more colorful and dramatic. It maintains its color year-round and grows up to eight inches tall and 12 inches wide, thriving in full sun to partial shade. It usually blooms in the summer.

6. ‘Odessa’ Calla Lily

Ted McGrath – Flickr

A tubular flower in an elegant deep purple color will add contrast and drama to any garden or indoor plant collection. “Odessa” is considered one of the darkest calla lily varieties, with a height and width of up to 24 inches. It grows well in contained pots, as part of beds, or in other decorative landscapes in full sun to partial shade, blooming in summer.

7. Elderberry Black Lace®

Proven Winners – Black Lace® Elderberry

This deciduous shrub has finely cut purple-black foliage that contrasts dramatically with its large pale pink flowers. It can serve as a unique and visually appealing addition to any garden. Elderberry Black Lace® (Sambucus nigra) grows up to eight feet tall and wide, thriving in full sun to partial shade, blooming primarily in early summer.

8. ‘Black Magic’ Elephant Ears

Drew Avery – Flickr

A perennial with oversized heart-shaped leaves that resemble elephant ears, the Black Magic (Colocasia esculenta) is the perfect choice for an exotic, dark, and moody garden or indoor plant collection. Deep purple, almost black, in color, the elephant ear loves water, grows up to six feet tall and wide, and prefers partial sunlight. It pairs well with calla lilies and coleus, creating a unique display.

9. ‘Black Scallop’ Bugleweed

Plants to Your Door – Ajuga Reptans ‘Black Scallop’

This Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans) is an attractive small-scale groundcover with glossy, near-black, scalloped leaves. It produces shocking violet-blue flowers on short spikes in spring but stays compact without pruning, making it a striking and pleasant addition to a low-maintenance garden. It thrives in full sunlight or shade and blooms mid to late spring.

12 Black Perennials

Hi, my name is Hayley Hoatson. I am a freelance writer and editor with a particular interest in education. My love of reading and learning is reflected in my career choice as I get to do both daily. I love topics such as psychology, criminology, history, medicine, photography, DIY and interior design.