9 Mood-Boosting Indoor Plants That Also Purify Your Air

Having indoor plants around your home can be more than just another decoration. Some plants can lift your mood and purify the air while looking pretty darn stylish. Adding a few of these plants to your home can help create a healthier environment.
1. Peace Lily

Not only is this plant great for your health, but it’s also something to look at with its white blooms. This plant helps remove harmful gases like formaldehyde and benzene from the air in your home. These plants are a great addition to bathrooms and low-light areas, where they can thrive and reduce mold spores.
2. Snake Plant

This plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it perfect for almost any beginner. It is excellent to look at and helps remove harmful toxins from the air. These plants flourish in low-light conditions, and due to their low-maintenance needs, they don’t mind being forgotten about now and then.
3. Lavender

Lavender is well known for having stress-reducing properties to help reduce anxiety and calm your mind. Having lavender in any room can help create a calming atmosphere while adding a touch of elegance to any room with a touch of purple.
4. Spider Plant

These easy-to-care-for plants help reduce carbon monoxide and other impurities in the air. They can also be quite striking to look at and make great additions to any room.
5. English Ivy

This fast-growing ivy can make quite a bold statement in any home and helps reduce airborne mold and allergens. It’s perfect for hanging baskets, where it can be left to flow freely and grow as it pleases. This adds a touch of class and elegance to any home.
6. Bamboo Palm

This tropical plant is excellent at purifying the air from harmful toxins while looking stylish. These plants need moderate sunlight and infrequent watering, making them a low-maintenance plant. Thanks to their unique features, they make for a great centerpiece and conversation starter.
7. Aloe Vera

These plants are well known for having excellent healing properties, and as a bonus, they help purify the air around them. Aloe Vera is easy to care for and can quickly adapt to indoor living, all while brightening up the area. They make for great decor and come in handy when you need to soothe a burn.
8. Boston Fern

Having one of these around is like having a natural air purifier around to help remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These plants thrive in high humidity and indirect light environments, making the bathroom or kitchen the perfect place for them. They can be the perfect addition to any room, adding a touch of class.
9. Pothos

These plants are a good addition to any room in your home, and they are quite low-maintenance, which makes them even more desirable. They can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light, making them suitable for any room in your home or office. They can be beautifully draped over a hanging basket or shelf, and they are very aesthetically pleasing to look at.
12 Indoor Plants That Can Boost Your Health, According to Experts
Purify your air with indoor plants
10 Indoor Plants That Improve Air Quality and Boost Your Mood