9 Tips On How To Vacation On A Budget (According To Thrifty Travelers)

With traveling to different countries or states is a multi-million dollar industry, it’s no wonder that it normally breaks the bank. Thankfully, there are some smart travel tips that can save prospective travelers a good amount of money on their vacation.
Planning Ahead And Saving Realistically

If you’re looking to budget for a vacation, then you have to make a realistic saving goal for whichever destination in mind. If you live in Denver, a roadtrip to Salt Lake City will be much cheaper than a return ticket to Paris. Booking ahead of time can also lead to a decrease in prices, as well as traveling off-season when you can help it.
Affordable Destinations

Contrary to what some people believe, there are many holiday destinations that are pretty affordable, and you’d just have to know where to look! Depending on where you live, you could be just a few hours drive from some great destinations. Every state in America has some amazing spots to vacation in, as well as Europe.

Transport can make or break your budget when it comes to vacationing. A savvy planner could save hundreds or thousands of dollars on getting around. Walking around a new place can be a fun adventure as long as the destination is safe.

Accommodations vary a huge amount even in the same place. It all depends on the level of luxury you want, and how much tourism the destination generally has. Instead of expensive hotels, modest and cozy AirBnBs can be amazing alternatives for a fraction of the cost.

Eating while you are on vacation can be differently priced depending on how you do it. One or two expensive dinners could be okay if they’re incorporated into the budget, but otherwise cooking at your accommodation if it has the facilities is the way to go. If you need to go out to eat, look for restaurants that are popular spots for locals, and not tourists – they should be cheaper.
Free Activities

Although there may be many places that have an entrance fee or cost an arm and a leg to do, there should be plenty of free activities at most travel destinations. Look for a local wildlife park, if they do have an entrance fee, it should be small. Tours and museums generally won’t break the bank and will help you learn more about the local culture.
Keep Track Of Everything

An important thing to keep in mind is all of your expenses. You don’t want to loss track of your total spendings and end up shy towards the end of your trip. Track every little cost and see what that leaves you with for the rest of your holiday.
Always Compare Options

This tip applies to most of the things listed so far. Plane tickets, accommodation, food, and even routes can have a significant effect on the price you pay and the amount of time you spend at your holiday destination. Shop around and see where you can get the same or similar things for cheaper!
Be Flexible

Although a rigid plan to ensure that your holiday goes exactly as you plan is a good thing to have, don’t have a meltdown if something changes at the last minute. Embrace change and be flexible. Remember that the goal of the trip is to have fun.