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HomeInterior Design9 Office Plants That Will Breathe Life Into Your Workspace

9 Office Plants That Will Breathe Life Into Your Workspace

Prostock-Studio via Canva

Office spaces can generally look dull. Thankfully, there’s one solution that can easily transform an office environment from drab to vibrant with just one addition—a plant! Office plants are easy to maintain and can make any office space come alive!

Snake Plant

Grumpy Cow Studios via Canva

For anyone looking for a hardy plant that doesn’t require much maintenance, the snake plant is a great fit. It suits any modern aesthetic and can sit in indirect light with infrequent watering. It’s one of the least needy plants on this list.

Zanzibar Gem

jittawit21 via Canva

The Zanzibar gem, or ZZ plant as it is also called, is great when the office needs some decor that’ll turn heads. The small plant is perfect when there isn’t much space to work with. Good examples of where this plant can thrive in an office are reception areas and even desks.


Firn via Canva

The pothos plant is an amazingly adaptable plant that thrives in shade, sun, or even fluorescent lighting, making it a reliable plant for any office space. It can be hung from the ceiling or put in a planter to add to the decor of the place. The plant has vines that can be trimmed to ensure that it stays tidy. The plant needs watering infrequently.

Chinese Evergreen

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The Chinese Evergreen is a beautiful plant from the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. It is extremely resilient; even those with little plant care knowledge can easily care for it. If the office is in a warm region, the plant can stay in the shade year-round, making it one of the easiest plants to care for.

Spider Plant

TYNZA from Getty Images via Canva

The spider plant has a fitting name for how it looks. Its long, thin leaves have also led people to call it the ribbon plant or spider ivy. The plant is a great pick for indoor spaces and thrives in normal temperatures and humidity. It only needs occasional watering, making it an amazing choice for any office workplace.

Monstera Deliciosa

Hugo Martins via Canva

The monstera deliciosa, delicious monster, or Swiss cheese plant is a perfect example of gorgeous plants that don’t always have to be hard to maintain. The split-leaf plant is native to southern Mexico and thrives best in indirect light near a window. It is a natural climber, and a wooden stake can be planted into the soil to let it cling in a controlled manner.


Firn via Canva

Philodendrons encompass a whole spectrum of flowering plants that are great for many indoor environments. Like many other plants on this list, they prefer to sit in indirect sunlight and are another great plant for busy environments that cannot give them frequent attention. The plant doesn’t require much water but is more likely to be overwatered.

Peace Lily

Grumpy Cow Studios via Canva

The peace lily is a stunning plant that, if cared for, will flower beautiful lilies that’ll make a good impression in an office or reception area. Luckily, they are not hard to care for and need indirect sunlight and regular watering. If your peace lily blooms, then it is a good indication that you are taking good care of it.

African Violet

Juan Carlos Juarez Jaramillo via Canva

The African violet is an easy-to-take-care-of plant that can bloom in nearly any environment. The plant can even be all right underneath fluorescent lights, which means if a spot with a window isn’t available, it can still add great visuals to an otherwise drab environment. One thing to be careful of is putting the African violet in direct sunlight.